VA Survivors' Pension
Program Description
Survivors' Pension (or Death Pension) is a tax-free monetary benefit payable to low-income surviving spouses and unmarried children of deceased Veterans with wartime service.
Survivors who are eligible for Pension benefits and are housebound or require the aid and attendance of another person for daily living may be eligible to receive additional monetary amounts.
- The pension benefit amount is the difference between the countable family income and the pension rate. The pension rate depends on whether the eligible person has dependents, is housebound, or requires aid and attendance. For a survivor with no dependents, the pension rate is $8359 per year.
- The pension benefit is paid in 12 equal monthly installments.
- Survivors' Pension and Aid and Attendance and Housebound eligibility and application procedures are list on the VA website.
Supplemental Materials
About Providence VA Regional Office
The Providence VA Regional Office serves veterans in RI and southeastern Massachusetts. The Regional Office is responsible for the management of most non-medical benefits provided by the Veterans Benefits Administration, including compensation, pension, vocational rehabilitation ... MORE
Visit VA Survivors' Pension Website