Program Description
Veterans who served in Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Operation New Dawn (OEF/OIF/OND) are eligible for enhanced VA health care for five years after discharge.
- Eligible veterans can enroll in VA health care, even if they do not have a service-connected disability or financial need. This enhanced eligibility period lasts for five years after discharge.
- Enrolled veterans then receive access to VA health care services. Treatment for medical problems potentially related to their military service is free. Treatment for non-related illness or injuries are subject to co-payment based on the veteran's income level.
- The OEF/OIF/OND Program at the Providence VA Medical Center holds Post-Deployment Clinic on Wednesday afternoons from 3pm-6pm, providing veterans with enrollment, integrative care, health screenings, benefits assistance, and access to community resources. The Program also hosts quarterly Saturday clinics.
- Discharge under other than dishonorable conditions.
- Active duty service in a theater of combat operations after November 11, 1998. This includes activated Reservists and members of the National Guard.
- Benefit period: 5 years post-discharge.
How To Apply
- Veterans can apply for health benefits through form 1010-EZ. The form can be submitted online, by phone, by mail, or in person at the Providence VA Medical Center. However, to expedite processing, the staff of the OEF/OIF Program recommends applying for health benefits through their office located on the first floor of the main hospital, room D1070.
- For information or assistance, contact a member of the OEF/OIF/OND team. Program Manager, Erin Butler (401-273-7100 x 6137), Case Manager, Laurie Harris (401-273-7100 x 4262), or Case Manager, Elizabeth Sevin (401-273-7100 x 6401). Additionally, Transition Patient Advocate for severely-injured and severely-ill veterans, Johnny Lovett can also be reached at (203-937-4876).
Supplemental Materials
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PVAMC Eligibility And Enrollment Office
About Providence VA Medical Center
The Providence VA Medical Center is dedicated to providing high quality comprehensive outpatient and inpatient health care to Veterans residing in Rhode Island and southeastern Massachusetts. Each veteran who comes to the Medical Center for ... MORE
Contact Info
Erin Butler, LICSW
401-273-7100 x6137
830 Chalkstone Ave
Providence, RI 02908